At some point in your life, you will encounter an experience that will hurt you. It will hurt you that everything will look stained and to avoid experiencing more pain, you will find yourself detaching from other people. You will lock yourself and hope the world forgets you and yet this does not free you from pain. The good news is that, rage, anger, frustration fades away, and so nothing is worth your joy and ability to enjoy life. To be broken is painful, to feel unworthy is even more painful, and it is emptiness.

Brokenness make it hard to keep things together. We cover our personal pain, conceal our fears, and face away toward the travail going on around us. We avoid strangers and do not want to get too close or touch them. We smile just not to appear rude, but we are hurting deeply.

A blessing comes with being broken; you will be broke when molding is happening to you. Note this; it is easy to impress other people on how strong you are and how much you can be able to do. If you do that, it only robs you a chance to build real connections – You portray yourself as a self-sufficient machine. When we experience common struggles, relationships become strong. That is the blessing of brokenness – Painful experiences. When we are broken together, bonding goes deeper than you can imagine. When we share our weakness, we forge strong connections.

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18

If you are experiencing that moment in your life, where everything seems and appears dark, know that it is okay to be present even with what is broken in your life. It is okay to breathe into what you would somewhat avoid. It is okay to embrace the nastiness in your life. It is okay not to know your next move. It is okay to feel stagnated and not know where you would like to go. You are being broken and in due time, you will get to where you want to go.

Final shot, the beauty of brokenness is found in what it brings us. At the end of the day, when you are hurt, maybe you are being broken. What if rather than evading brokenness we welcomed it? What if we prayed for it?

God, please break me.”

In our brokenness, we often experience God’s greatest blessings. See what
scriptures say about brokenness – The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.